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3 years, life changes and Winter Solstice 2020...

Hi Everyone! I’ve been quiet here and on social media lately. How are you all? Seriously!? It has been a crazy time in the world, after "lockdown" and welcoming and participating in #amplifymelanatedvoices I decided to stretch out the timeframe of being quieter for a time. To reflect on my own personal growth, contribution and direction.

I’ve also started homeschooling my eldest who had only done 6 weeks of schooling prior to lockdown which is taking some home life adaptations. On a personal level I have been feeling really low in energy emotionally. Physically my health feels ok but we know it’s all connected and our emotions inevitably impact our overall health. I’ve been around long enough to know that this is a sign to reassess balance in my life. To have a good hard honest look at things and move forward best I can.

This pic was taken recently at the beach for my youngest’s 3rd birthday. This day brought to light some areas I still need healing from her birth and postpartum time. It was this experience that lead me to my heart calling to work with new mothers, families and revitalise postpartum care culture. You can read more about this in a previous blog - A Personal Reflection - I wrote almost 2 years ago. A vision I am ever dedicated to #ittakesavillage The growth never stops individually and collectively.

I’m trying to feel my heart and where the healing is needed more amongst the day to day needs of life, rather than rushing through it all. That was part of the decision to homeschool, to allow for more slowing down, natural timing and growth in learning. Rushing a 5 year old off to school each morning and trying to hold space for the huge emotional release each afternoon, just didn't feel right for us right now. Honestly I really didn't ever think I would be open to home-schooling, but after the recent Covid lockdown, it gave us a chance to experience what it would feel like. To question the current way we live, parent, work and connect. I believe there is no one right truth for these types of lifestyle choices, but many truths and the important work in life is to slow down enough to hear YOUR own truth, as changing and evolving as it may be.

With winter solstice on the horizon I’m feeling the shorter days, longer nights and midwinter introspection take hold and am going with it. Utilising this time to reflect, dream and vision. To sleep by the fire and stay in bed cuddling my girls a little longer. To do less and be more. To try to be present to my own and families needs more. I feel called to paint, read and write more and to make the most of small windows of time that allow for this.

As I research my own Irish and Celtic lineages more I am delving deeper into the pre-christian calendar and learning how important the Winter Solstice was for people. From a practical view, it signalled the coming of longer days, more sunlight, surviving winter and managing food and fuel supplies. From a spiritual and ceremonial place it was the emerging of the sun deity/god/energy from the underworld or the darkest day of the year.

There is also so much valuable knowledge from the first nations knowledge of astronomy, astrology and nature based calendars that we should all be learning about to help inform our relationship with the natural world and I believe in turn each other. Could tuning into the seasonal changes in a meaningful and ceremonial way bring more depth and truth to our lives in a world that promotes instant gratification and bypasses slow, patient and timely growth? I believe so! This way of living would serve us well to remind us honour the fourth trimester also, with similarities to winter solstice. A time to retreat, slow down, nurture ourselves and each other, stay warm, eat soups and stews, redefine our priorities.

Sending much love and warm blessings to you all!

Love Shell xx

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